Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Somy Ali speaks of her teacher, Dr. William: Thanks to him, I achieved numerous academic honors during my student years

Somy Ali attributes her academic accomplishments and her courage to stand up against wrongdoing, whether through her NGO No More Tears (NMT) or in other aspects of her life, to Dr. William Hammack, her statistics professor. She fondly remembers him as not only a brilliant educator but also a mentor, friend, and father figure.

“It was he who brought me out of my sulking phase and taught me about the truth about the greats like Woolf, Plath, Mandela, Malala, Gandhi, Emerson, Thoreau, and the list goes on. It was because of Dr. Hammack that I graduated with honors and won many accolades in my university for being the best student,” she says nostalgically.

One special memory of Dr. Hammack that deeply resonated with Somy had less to do with academia and more with principles and justice. He instilled in her the belief that it’s crucial to intervene when witnessing injustice. She vividly recalls his advice to always make it her business when she sees others being hurt, deceived, betrayed, abused, or trafficked, whether in labor or sex trafficking.

“He always told me never ever look the other way. As that’s the coward’s way of living life. And I realized that 99.9% of the time when people say it’s not our business, it’s due to their cowardice nature or to avoid getting caught up into helping others which would ruin their rich and comfortable lives filled with absolutely no problems. This is why I always stick my nose in wherever there is injustice, and I always will even if my last breath is during the time of my rescuing a victim through NMT, then that’s a life one has truly lived,” Somy passionately states.

Somy Ali’s fearless nature and unwavering dedication to fighting injustice shine through her words. She emphasizes that living courageously and bringing happiness to those suffering is a choice she made. She acknowledges that her journey isn’t a storybook tale, especially when dealing with human traffickers who carry guns and the real-life threat she faces while running her NGO.

Reflecting on her student years, Somy describes herself as a stubborn child who didn’t always listen to her teachers. However, she underwent a significant transformation during her college years. Her personality remained consistent, characterized by a commitment to doing what she believes is right and an aversion to dishonesty. Somy emphasizes her dedication to honesty, even when it gets her into trouble or is misunderstood by others.

Somy Ali is resolute in her refusal to be a victim. She remains unapologetically outspoken, unafraid to speak up for herself and others, even if it means putting her life at risk. Her life choices reflect her courage and commitment to living authentically.

In conclusion, Somy Ali’s tribute to her favorite teacher, Dr. William Hammack, highlights the profound impact educators can have on their students’ lives. His teachings not only shaped her academic success but also instilled in her the values of justice, courage, and standing up for what is right. Somy’s fearless and honest approach to life is a testament to the lessons she learned from her beloved teacher.

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